Pool Safety Tips for Summer

If you have a pool, you are probably the most popular house on the block during summer. While pools are fun for everyone and can help you cool down in the hot weather, it is important to remember to stay safe. Follow these pool safety tips to ensure everyone has a...

How do Tickets Affect Your Insurance?

While it is a widely known fact that tickets and accidents will affect your insurance rates, not everyone knows exactly how.  Accidents and tickets should always be avoided, keep these insurance repercussions in mind the next time you think of going a little too fast....

5 New Car Safety Features

The car industry has always been one of the most technological advanced industries around. Recently, they have not disappointed the public and have come out with 5 amazing safety features that are making the road a safer place. Make sure to look for these 5 features...

Insuring Your RV for Summer

RVs are the best way to enjoy all the beauty that summer offers. They allow you all of the comforts of home while on the road and eliminates the hassle of finding hotels along the road. With the high prices of RVs, it is important to make sure you have enough coverage...

Is Your Boat Properly Insured?

The warm summer weather means more people taking out their boats to enjoy the water. Before enjoying all the fun that your boat offers, it is important to make sure it is properly insured. While some homeowners insurance policies will cover small boats, they typically...