With the school year just around the corner, it is the perfect time to make sure that your child is ready for college. While getting all of the school and dorm supplies together may seem like the most important part of getting them prepared, it is also vital to look at your insurance policies to ensure that they are covered.

If you child is taking their vehicle with them to college in a different state, make sure to do a little research on the auto insurance in the state. Make sure that your child takes the time to find an insurance agent that will help them through the process of finding the right policy. They will also have to register the vehicle in the state and apply for a new driver’s license.

Once your college student has a new auto insurance policy, you can take them off of your auto insurance policy, or cancel their policy if they had a separate one. They will also have to cancel their old license plates through the Registry of Motor Vehicles.

For all of your auto insurance coverage needs when sending your child off to college throughout Minnesota, contact North Central Insurance.
