If you are renting a home, whether it is an apartment or a house, it is important to make sure that you have the right renter’s insurance to provide coverage for all of your belongings. Creating a home inventory is the best way to ensure that you have the right amount of renter’s insurance to protect all of your assets.

There are two main ways to create a home inventory, including:

  1. Create a visual record. Walk through each room of your home and record all of your assets. Make sure to talk over the video explaining the value of each item.
  2. Create a list. Write down a list of all of your belongings. Go room by room and make sure to include the value of each item.

It is also important to keep all receipts for big ticket items, such as your TV, with you home inventory. Make sure to store your home inventory in a safe place, such as a lock box or fire proof safe to protect it from damage if your home is damaged.

For all of your renter’s insurance coverage needs to ensure you and your assets are protected throughout Minnesota, contact the insurance professionals at North Central Insurance.
