Company outings are a great way to allow your employees to have a little fun with their coworkers. If you are hosting company outing, it is important to make sure to look into your different insurance policies to ensure that the event has the proper coverage. Make sure to look at the following insurance policies before planning your next event.
- Worker’s compensation. Since it is a work event, make sure to look into your worker’s compensation policy to ensure that it will cover any accidents that happen during the event.
- General liability. If the company outing is taking place on business property, look into your general liability and business insurance will provide the right amount of coverage.
- Liquor liability. If you are holding the event at your home or on company property and serving alcohol, you will want to invest in a liquor liability insurance policy. Accidents are more likely to happen if you are serving alcohol to your guests.
For the right amount of Minnesota business insurance coverage to ensure that your business and employees are protected from an accident during a business outing, contact North Central Insurance.
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